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vendredi 6 décembre 2013

How to choose a girl ?

Gentlemen, pay attention to the warning signs !
Not easy to find a woman who lavishes upon us .

So gentlemen , in your research and your first meetings, here are some signs that say a lot and should sound the alarm!

And if your new flame has several of these characteristics , do not wait : fly!

1 . Complexed

"I 'm too fat , huh ? " "I'll do you bother ? " Or " Is what I 'm beautiful ? " = His favorite lamentations !

This type of woman seeks the approval of the other. Her confidence borders on the floor and she needs constant reassurance . If at the beginning of a relationship, a man feel like it protects fragile or smoldering soul, he will tire quickly.

2 . The more - than-perfect

It is easily recognizable by its distinctive features: it knows everything, does everything better than everyone always wants to be right , do not like to say it is wrong, does not allow to be contradicted and seeks to always have reason. An attitude which cools men fail.

In addition, it tends to want to " parfaitiser " in his image all around him . She did not hesitate to ridicule or educate those who deviate from its practices.

3 . The fusion ( with her mother !)

If a girl does not cut the cord with his mother, there is a strong possibility that it is slightly unstable.

She needs to call every day (several times , even! ) And even starts his sentences with "My mother , she thinks ...".

This too close to his mother erode your potential relationship .

Also, be wary as well if a woman is too closely linked with his sister ( insupportable! ) or remains attached to his father ( a classic case of Oedipus !) .

4 . The gale

Active , independent , autonomous, lit: it seems to have all the qualities of a woman who knows what she wants. But she is never there ! His agenda is booked months in advance. She has over three times a week, and between that and his job, his friends there with whom she goes out a lot .

It could be perfect, but it 's just not there ...

5 . Sufficient

This woman does not need anyone , never request a hand and stands on its own . She believes that a woman does not necessarily need a man in her life.

When her lover asks him to help set up his office IKEA , it will replicate him she knows how to handle screwdriver with a haughty air.

His attitude is the fact that rather cold and distant .

6 . The jealously

She calls you ten times a day (per hour ?) , It invades your Facebook wall and wants to know your whereabouts at all times. She needs to tell all ( and recall !) You are together for better control you .

It is intense. Too intense. Also, this type of woman has the annoying habit of wanting to know everything about your ex and fun to look at them.

7 . The Haunted

His former haunts again. In fact, it does not tell you , but it is not completely finished their history (at least on his side !) . She talks too much and even behind his entrepreneurial advances , we feel a slight despair.

Once in bed with you , it means trying to hunt her ex ... but it's a lost cause . It is hung in his memory. You will not be a guy from the next transition or ex ... And you do not want to live with a ghost!

8 . The kisser all time

She clings to you in a rather desperate. It's a real pot of glue, completely unable to leave without you there. She follows you everywhere, and you will encourage all your hockey with the boys .

It does not seem to be able to breathe without you. She clings to you in a rather desperate. It is a plague ! His dream is actually merge with you. Totally infuriating !

9 . Desperate to marry

All she wants is to get married, have a house with a garden, two children and all as soon as possible .

This kind of woman does not care a lot on the type of man she will take in his net , provided that he wants to engage seriously .

She is desperate and clinging to the last chance left to him : you . Flee !

10 . The controlling

First, it buys you your clothes and throw your old clothes in the trash. At the grocery store , she decides what you eat (no chips , no cookies , skim milk).

It prevents you from seeing some of your friends decides which area to live, what car to buy , etc. . You feel like a kid dominated by his mother. And if you try to complain, it is the crisis.

With this type of woman, you lose your personality. Here , you are warned !

11 . That which seeks the dispute

There are women (and men for that matter) choose their battle. But for others , the subject becomes less a matter of debate or worse, a war to win .

It contradicts you all the time, easily annoyed with you, as with others. In short, this is a rather aggressive woman who will tend to make you just as aggressive and bitter. Avoid it !

12 . The hypersensitive

With this kind of woman, you have to be careful what you say and do. Because any criticism , any high-pitched voices , and this is the crisis of tears.

You will then feel guilty for making her cry and spend your life apologizing for everything you have done and not done.

13 . Seductive

You like it because it has to seduce you. But seduction is a weapon that can be dangerous. That kind of girl will dress so sexy - UTRA wherever you go , dredge all men at a party . On his Facebook profile picture , she poses in a bikini and she 's playing very sexy.

She likes to please, no matter what you think. And if you criticize it you howl that the modern woman is free.

14 . The chatterbox

Women tend to talk more than men . Men and women who like to know how to conduct a conversation and have a sense of humor .

But there are some that are real chatterboxes who have opinions on everything, all the time. At one point, it becomes boring.

15 . That chasing money

Sometimes you can spot this type of woman easily , sometimes not. It is often very interesting at first but , in the end, all she wants is a man who has lots of money and who can meet all his needs, as luxurious as they are, and those of her future children .

This is your profession then the charm or your family heirloom. And she asked for more. Stay away !

16 . Chronic dissatisfied

This kind woman complains all the time, always sees the negative side of things , rarely smiled. She is never happy, no matter what you do. She always puts every aspect of his life and life in general in question.

It is the eternal dissatisfied . So put your energy elsewhere !

17 . The woman "child"

In public, all is well. But it is once you enter her home that you understand what is wrong with this woman who seemed to be a little too sweet and nice . His room is decorated so outrageously feminine and a colony of doggies populate the top of his bed.

She lives with 6 cats (and talks about it all the time! ) Has a collection of Disney movies ("My favorite is Beauty and the Beast ! I listened to a thousand times ! ") Without ever having children and has a somewhat " Care Bears " of life -fe vision ... Phew !

18 . The frigid

The early evening , she did not really want to make love. It's like a chore for her. You say that it will improve.

But you spend your evenings together watching TV and sleeping. If sex is non-existent at the beginning of a relationship, it is likely that it continues deteriorating .

Unless you want a platonic relationship , go to next call

19 . Beautiful , but ...

There are women who have some interesting things or intelligent to say. If you start dating a woman because you think she is pretty, but you prefer she does not speak in public or in front of your friends, it may be because there is something wrong !

20 . Completely mad

She has no inhibitions and will do anything to win a bet . She speaks loudly and likes to be noticed . It is the center of attention with his extrovert fully assumed . The first time, it's lovely! Then you will be rather overwhelmed by shame.

It connects the head shots and pulses. Consequently, it often gets in big trouble and credit cards more than full. If the sky has no limit, you , yes. Forget it !




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